Sahal Hassan

M.P.S. Interactive Telecommunications, NYU, 2025
B.A. English, Columbia University, 2019

Artist and technologist based in NYC. I make still and moving images, sounds, and artistic tools and objects that illuminate the links between memory, sight, relationships, power, and history. I’m interested in helping people think about topics like surveillance, digitally-mediated attachment, and the exercise of power through sound and image. 


Exhibitions and Screenings

Warman School Hour, Montez Press Radio
October 2022

White Columns Online: GMT (Curator)
November 2021–February 2022

Black Lives on Screen, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA
April 2021

FREE SPACE, Wexner Center for the Arts, Columbus, OH
October–November 2020

New Orleans Film Festival, New Orleans, LA
October 2019

Spectacle Theatre, Brooklyn, NY
July 2019

Wexner Center for the Arts, Columbus, OH
May 2019

Selected Works


andwhenigottothetop: diaristic web art installation bridging poetry, photography, screenprinting and 3D modeling.
Bent, a musical performance tool that uses a software-defined radio receiving police scanner audio to allow users to manipulate the signal output with pitch bend, bit crush, and delay effects.

Uses Arduino as a MIDI and SDR controller and a Raspberry Pi running Pure Data.
I love to look, performance utilizing a body cam built with a Raspberry Pi and camera module running a Python script to stream image data to a web server.
sillyLittlePhone, a speculative home screen interface
selectYrPet, a mix and match digital pet creator.


Landmark (2018)
Fire (2018)
The Valley (2019)
